The Pasteur Medical Station
Official Starfleet Crew Manifest

Command Staff:

Commanding Officer: James Faal
Executive Officer:Lanistra

Operations / Bridge Staff:

Chief OPS /Special Ops: Tmgiygas
Assistant Operations:--OPEN--
Flight Navigation Officer (Helm): --OPEN--

Security Staff:

Chief of Tactical:--OPEN--
Assistant Tactical Officer: --OPEN--
Chief of Security:--OPEN--
Assistant Security Officer: --OPEN--

Medical Staff:

Chief Medical Officer:Chiefengriley
Assistant Medical Officer: GrooveyJane1
Counselor/Psychologist: Toto83

Engineering Staff:

Chief Engineering Officer: --OPEN--
Assistant Engineering Officer:--OPEN--
Assistant Engineering Officer: --OPEN--

Science Staff:
Chief Science Officer: Ens Zenall
Assistant Science Officer One:--OPEN--
Assistant Science Officer two:--OPEN--

"Guest" Players may be invited by to play a mission at the Captain's discretion, and will be allowed the interim rank of "Midshipman" or "Captain's Discretion" for the purposes of the game, regardless of what their screen names say. Invitations should not be extended to anyone without gaining the Captain's permission first. When assigned, they will be under the guidance of that department head.

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