Real Life Name and Age:
Current Screen Name: Ex: JohnDoe123
Screen Name to be used for Simming: Ex: EnsJohnDoe (must show rank)
Character Gender: .....Pick Gender.... Male Female Not Applicable Neutral Character Name:
Character Race: Character Age:
Have you any Online simming experience in the past? Yes No If Yes, please explain which groups, what position(s) you've held and about how many sims you've participated in. Experience:
Ex. Tactical, Security, Operations, Engineering, Helm, Medical, Science, Counselor, etc... **Note: CO (Captain) and XO (First Officer) positions are not available
1st: 2nd: 3rd: 4th: 5th: 6th: 7th:
Out of our sims listed below, which would you like to join? (Please use the space below)
*Please make sure you are able to attend the sims.
1st choice ........Choose Ship...... USS Patriot Atlantic Station USS Wyld Foxx A USS Eagle USS WhiteKnight USS Majesty Pasteur Station USS Athena 2nd choice .....Choose Ship....... USS Patriot Atlantic Station USS Wyld Foxx A USS Eagle USS WhiteKnight USS Majesty Pasteur Station USS Athena
Please note, that some positions and or ships may be filled. If your first choice of ship is full then your second choice will be looked at to post you. You will be posted by ship first, then the requested post, if possible. If one simming time is not good for you, please do not put it down.
Please use this space to write down any information that may be helpful in posting your character on a ship. Also please include any special abilities your character has (ex. mind abilities).
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Author: Patricia